Find your way through complex times by engaging in inquiry and dialogue that open up new possibilities.

I specialize in designing and facilitating participatory processes
that increase the health, equity and effectiveness of human systems. 

My work is always relational and customized, and takes many forms.
Below are some the services I’ve provided to clients over the years.

Get in touch to explore the possibilities for your team or organization!

  • Leadership Coaching

    One on one learning for senior executives, emerging leaders, and new managers focusing on leadership development, communication skills, emotional intelligence, power dynamics, conflict engagement, team management and navigating complexity.

  • Team Development

    Interactive workshops, experiential learning, and dynamic team-building activities that equip people to work better together by strengthening group dynamics, relationships, communication, collaboration, and trust among team members.

  • Team Retreats

    Design and facilitation of rejuvenating gatherings that blend team-building with strategic outcomes, to build relationships, surface and bridge difference, enhance collaboration, align priorities, and foster a unified organizational culture.

  • Process Design and Facilitation

    Inclusive approaches and participatory processes, both virtual and in person, that support groups and organizations to foster learning, surface collective wisdom, uncover emergent solutions to systemic issues, and discover new pathways forward.

  • Strategic Planning

    Comprehensive customized processes that guide your organization to clarify your vision and mission, identify shared values, grapple with key questions, and make decisions that set strategic goals, prioritize initiatives, and align resources for long-term success.

  • Change Leadership

    Tailored strategies to help leaders guide their teams through uncertainty, with an emphasis on deeply engaging and listening to those involved and impacted, building internal capacity, strengthening team culture, and creating systems for mission success.